Experiencing the new stage of Life, Working, and Family!

2012年1月7日 星期六

[to you....] 給還沒出現的你

hey, hope that you won't be scared.

I want to write something to you, even though you haven't entered my life.

I don't even know you. I don't know whether you are tall or short, Asian or foreigner to me, energetic or quiet. When people ask, I don't have any criteria for you.

But, I want to assure you that I am a really good girl/woman. Well, maybe I'm a little lazy. mm, not as pretty as the models. I don't care about the details as most delicate girls do. I eat a lot :p and I love to eat. I'm not that slender nor fat. I don't have cleavage but I have a nice bottom. I know how to deal with kids from 7 to 17. I can do many outdoor activities with you as long as my body can stand. mm but I'm afraid of the place where it is high and unstable.

My logical thinking is quite obvious so that I might have argument s with you cause you couldn't persuade me with your point of view. This also makes me not so lovely to guys. :p

Why do I want to write this? Hey, you are sensitive.:p Recently I have encountered something bad. I am not familiar with dealing with these kinds of stuff. I am extremely lucky that I have so many friends who are willing to give me a hand when needed.  But I know I couldn't bother them unlimitedly. I wanna talk to you, really. It's a time that I want a man in my life to count on so badly.

So.....would you please show up for me?
